You are now ready to add an assignment to your course shell.

Create an assignment in your course shell. Imagine that you would like your students to submit a recipe. Students can choose to submit the recipe as a blog post (i.e., text with images) or as a video. Follow the instructions below and watch the video. If you need help, review section 4.3 Assignments.

  1. Go to your course shell and turn on edit mode. 

  2. Click “Add an activity or resource” and select the Assignment activity. 

  3. Name your assignment and add activity instructions. Remember, you can use the text editor to add links, videos, audio files, and images to the assignment instructions. 

  4. Add any additional files, if you want. For example, you could provide an example recipe blog or video for students to review.

  5. Expand  and adjust the settings such as availability times, how you want students to submit and how you plan to give them feedback. Remember, you can click on the blue question mark to learn more about each option.

  6. Explore the Submission settings. For this activity, we will not use group settings.

  7. Adjust the notification and the grade settings. Do you want to receive notifications? How will the assignment be graded?

  8. Press “Save and display”.

  9. Review your assignment. Go into the Setting tab if you want to make any changes.

Last modified: Saturday, 1 April 2023, 9:09 PM