
Hello, and welcome to DD Courses and Moodle Basics.  In this section, you can watch the video, or read the text below.  Then scroll to the bottom of the page to go to the next section!

Video Text: The purpose of this class is to help you create and set up your own course on the DD Courses site.  This is a comprehensive course which will cover everything from what a Learning Management System is, to creating an interactive course for students where you can complement your own learning content with added videos, quizzes and more.

Is This Course for Me?

This course is designed for the complete beginner.  You will not need any experience with online course creation, as we will walk through each step of the process, with images and videos to help you along the way.

Not a beginner?  That’s okay, if you need a refresher on how to use Moodle, or are unsure of how to use the DD Courses site, you can easily skip through topics to find the details you need.

Why This Course?

This course is specific to the DD Courses site, which means the instructions, images and videos will be using the same system as you will be when you are creating your course.  This course is also aimed at covering just the basics.  It can be overwhelming to look for information on course startup on the internet.  The lessons will take you from the very start, and expand on your skills as you need them, without too much extra information.  When you are ready for more information, the Resources section at the end of each lesson provides links to other sites and videos which offer more tools and ideas. There are  also a lot of great resources already available on the internet which can help course creators with Moodle.  

If this sounds right for you, head to the next section by clicking the “Next Activity” button in the corner below, or click How to Take This Course using this link or in the menu to the side.

Last modified: Saturday, 1 April 2023, 9:37 PM